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Curriculum [Question]

How many projects per Semester?

Started on Jan 18, 2016 by YourFavTeach
Last post on Jun 15, 2016

How many "art projects" do your students typically complete in a term or semester?

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  • YourFavTeach 01/18/2016 at 07:10am

    I teach Secondary Art and was wondering how many "art projects" you typically complete in a term or semester.

    I typically plan for 6 projects a term (12 a semester) but often do not get that far. For example, this semester I only managed 8 projects.

    For example, this year my summative tasks have included:

    - Portfolio
    - Designing a Flower Pot
    - Recycled Magazine Art
    - Zentangle
    - Paper Mache Mask
    - Free Project
    - Cartooning Self Portraits
    - Cardboard Art

    - Unit 1 Test
    - Mid Term Exam
    - Final Culminating Project (Mixed Medium Piece)

    Formative Tasks include:
    - Daily Warm Ups
    - Lessons
    - Worksheets
    - Videos
    - "Freedom Fridays" (Play and explore)

    I would love to hear some of the things you are doing with your classes and how many projects you typically complete.

  • RuthByrne 01/18/2016 at 09:56am
    Hey there, I'm a primary school art teacher and my lessons typically last 5 meetings (intro lesson/concept, process demo, 2-3 workdays, share/critique) Since we only meet once a week that means we complete 2-3 projects per marking period (quarter). IT's not super applicable to your secondary situation, but I find I don't always get to everything I wrote in my curriculum. If we're really getting into certain projects that's a good thing!

  • RUNNINGwarrior 01/18/2016 at 02:45pm
    The youngerr they are, the more projeccts they do. My kindergarten kids usually have 1-3 week assignments, the HS kids only 4-5 projects per year. All of my classes are once a week, 40 minutes in length.

  • YourFavTeach 01/19/2016 at 11:40am
    @RUNNINGwarrior Are even the high school classes once a week for 40 mins? Wow! I have my art students every day for 75 mins. That definitely changes some things.

  • DebEittreim 01/26/2016 at 04:27pm
    I would LOVE to have my HS classes for 75 min a day. As is it's a 4 day a week school and I get the kiddos for 57 min. It is NOT enough. I vary the length of the projects so there might be a one day exercise, then an exploration free pick for 5 days including research and studio days. But I also have longterm projects that the kids do that they jump in and out of as time and their mood dictates. Small classes so the course is very, very individualized. They do have a minimum of 5-8 works put into the art opening at the end of the semester. 1st semester is learning how to use all the materials, 2nd semester is exploration. Haven't worked the kids up to an Art III. Ceramics is part of Art I & II. Most of them are done with the mess after a week or so.

  • paintpeace 03/10/2016 at 10:29pm
    In my high school, We work in 6 week marking periods. I shoot for 2-3 projects per marking period, a sketchbook with 5 observational drawings (independent time), two short "reading and writing about art" summaries/worksheets. My students range from illiterate and low motor skills, or apathetic and work avoidance to incredibly thoughtful, curious, and motivated to "do art". I include a "participation" grade to try to light a fire under the middle group. It's a tricky dance of short attention spans, thirsty for knowledge and skill, powerless over their personal electronics, mature, sophisticated and appreciative of the opportunities in my class. Very challenging, exhausting and rewarding.

  • kathylovesart1 03/20/2016 at 04:07pm
    I have competed 3 bigger projects with several small projects per quarter. My goal is to have one project per principle or element. That pace seems to match my middle schoolers.

  • michellev71 04/01/2016 at 07:25am
    I teach middle school and the amount of projects depends on how in depth and involved the projects are. Pinatas take three weeks from building a base, adding cones, creating a hook to hang it, and cutting up tissue paper. If it is something like creating a glue drawing with pastels, it is done in a week from start to finish. On average I have 5 projects during the 9 week period. I can have as few as 3 or as many as 6-7, but every grading period is unique. For the larger projects, I grade in stages. Paper mache could be graded on the form and neatness of applying the strips, then the painting technique on the mache. A grade for me is based on the weight of how long they worked. They could take twice as long to do the mache and half the time to do the painting, so the mache portion would be double that of paint. I do 100 points per day for the project, so if we had a 6 day project divided into 4 days of pasting and 2 days of painting, that is how I put it in my grade book. The kids understand it and I don't have as much to grade all at once. It also keeps my grade book current and not a week behind. I hope I explained this well and it isn't too confusing.

  • swieringa 06/15/2016 at 06:17am
    I only have classes 49 minutes per period that meet 4.5 times a week (four times and every other Friday.) We only do 1-4 works of art per quarter. This quarter I was ambitious with four, and many students did not get finished. I guess the right amount for my students would be three then. Students have homework drawings due every week in their sketchbook, so we take time out of class to share those and give each other feedback once a week too. I also include some writing in self-assessments, and some non-fiction reading assignments about art as well.