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Elementary [1st-5th] Lesson Plan

10 Watercolor Techniques

Created on October 26, 2014 by Hope200

This is an introduction to 10 different watercolor techniques.

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1 session; 50 minutes per session

1. SWBAT fold paper into 8 or 16 sections
2. SWBAT practice at least 8 different watercolor techniques
3. SWBAT recall 5 different watercolor painting techniques

1. Watercolor paints, palette
2. Brushes, Toothbrushes
3. Water Container, water
4. Paper Towels
5. Salt
6. Doily
7. Plastic Wrap, Tissue Paper, Bubble Wrap, Sponges
8. Crayons (wax resist)
9. Hair Dryer or straws

Need these materials? Visit Blick!

1. TTW review the 10 techniques as demonstration.
2. The list is posted in the class or laminated and given to each table
3. The student writes their name on the paper and then folds the 12 x 18 paper 3 times to make 8 rectangles for experimentation (or 4 times to make 16 rectangles.)
4. The students try several techniques on their paper.

Note: Crayon Resist and Blowing Paint are not on the list. Leave room for experimentation

Students will hang up or dry their paper, then go on a gallery walk to see different techniques made by their fellow students.

Painted rectangles can be pieced together to make a giant class quilt.


Visual Arts Standard 1:
Understanding and applying media, techniques, and processes

[K-4] Students use different media, techniques, and processes to communicate ideas, experiences, and stories

Visual Arts Standard 6:
Making connections between visual arts and other disciplines

[K-4] Students understand and use similarities and differences between characteristics of the visual arts and other arts disciplines

Winslow Homer, Jackson Pollock

Abstract Art, Expressionism

Color/Value, Texture

Painting, Watercolor
