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High [9th-12th] Lesson Plan

Candy Painting

Created on September 20, 2015 by artmeiro

Students will complete a series of observational drawings that they will use to complete a painting of a zoomed in piece of candy.

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1.The student will understand that an observational drawing is a drawing created from looking at something in real life.
2.The student will be able to use their observational drawing skills to complete a series of sketches of pieces of candy.
3. The student will use these sketches as the basis for a final painting they will complete using acrylic paint.

pencils, various kinds of candy, paper, acrylic paint, paintbrushes, watercolor and drawing paper.

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Looking at the basic shapes. Students will choose 3 pieces of candy from the container on the table.
Using drawing paper and a pencil they will be instructed to draw at least 5 sketches of the various pieces of candy.
For at least two of the drawings they will draw the candy from two different angles. Teacher will model how to look at the basic shapes of the candy when drawing it.
Once students have completed their preliminary sketches they will move on to beginning their paintings. They will use their sketches to create a final composition they will use to complete a painting of their candy.

Students are assessed by a rubric that they are part of creating. We spend a day discussing how the assignment should be evaluated, and come up with a rubric together.