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Multiple Level Lesson Plan

Royal Fever

Created on November 02, 2015 by Whimber

We all have Royal Fever here in Kansas City! So, to practice facial proportions we drew the Kansas City Royal's players! I did this lesson with 6th graders, but you could use it for multiple grades:)

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1. SWBAT identify symmetry.
2. SWBAT show facial proportion.
3. SWBAT show value.

1. Photocopies of Kansas City Royals Players. I looked for head shots to print. (You could switch to any person or team)
2. White drawing paper 8x11"
3. pencil
4. Elmer's glue

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1. I demonstrated cutting the head shot in half vertically.
2. Glue the photocopied half onto the white paper.
3. I showed the students how to draw a horizontal line across to line up where the facial features would be drawn.
4. We talked about what values we saw in the photocopied head shot and how we could show that value on the white paper. i.e.- Are his lips the same value as the paper? Which is darker his skin or the shadow under his hat?
5. Show students how to press harder to make darker values and gentler to make lighter values.

Students were evaluated based on:
Accuracy of Facial proportion
Time working in class

Old lesson with a Royal Makeover:) Go Royals!


Drawing, Pencil