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Multiple Level Lesson Plan

Symmetrical stuffed creatures

Created on November 16, 2015 by artspaz

Students will create a creature, (frog, dragonfly, owl...) on paper, paint it using paint chips, and then "stuff" it and embellish it. They will use art elements of symmetry, patterns, color mixing and value.

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3 sessions; 40 minutes per session

SWBAT define symmetry
SWBAT define Folk Art
SWBAT Draw different patterns
SWBAT mix primary colors to make the secondary and paint using a color family

1. White drawing paper 12 x 18 (80 lbs)
2. Black crayons
3. Scissors
4. Paint chip pallets (see resources)
5. Various colors of construction paper 12 x 18
6. Glue sticks
7. Various kinds of papers for embellishments like feathers, wings, legs and tails of the creatures
8. Scrape paper for practice
9. Paint brushes
10. containers for water

Need these materials? Visit Blick!

1. intro folk art and symmetry
2. Tell the students they will use symmetry to create the head and body of the animal. Explain it like when they cut a heart and fold the paper in half to make it the same on both sides. I like to visually do this as I explain it.
3. Talk about the shape you will draw to create the head and body. If doing an owl, the head is a circle and the body is an oval. I draw it and then talk about the line of symmetry, and explain how the line of symmetry is the FOLD of the paper. I like to put a clothes pin on the fold to remind them to draw from the folded side!
4. I always PRACTICE first with 1st and 2nd grades. Have the students FOLD the paper length wise (hotdog), clip the fold and draw HALF the head and body from the folded side. CHECK to make sure they did it right before they cut!
5. Cut out the creature and give it eyes ( use the black crayon), and decorate it with other patterns to represent its texture.
Day 2
1. explain color families and demo how to use the paint chips (see the video)
2. Students paint
1. students will pick a colored paper to glue the creature done to.
I use the scrapes from the other day and have them wad it up and glue it done to the middle of the construction paper.
2. Put glue on the back, all along the edge of the creature and form it over the wadded paper onto the construction paper
#. use different kinds of papers to create wings, feet, feathers and other embellishments to finish decorating and designing the animal.

ART CHAT: I like to do an art walk and have them pick another artists work that used good pattern and color mixing.
Thumbs up if you have 5 values on your picture.

1. how to make paint chips and how to use them

I love to display them all together to create a big mural down the hall. Each class can do a different animal to make a river scene.

Folk Art

Balance, Color/Value, Line, Rhythm/Pattern, Shape

Collage, Painting, Tempera

Math, Science