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High [9th-12th] Lesson Plan

Self-Portrait Confession

Created on December 28, 2015 by CaptureCreativity

Using design software, students create a poster that combines image (a selfie) and type (a personal statement).

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AWBAT combine type and image to create a "self-portrait confession" using computer software.

1. Design Software (we used a free, open-source program called Scribus)
2. Typefaces (computers come with a variety of system fonts, but you can always add to existing options)
3. Student portraits (I had them take photos with my phone)

Need these materials? Visit Blick!

1. Take photo
2. Write and select a positive and negative "confession" about yourself.
3. Compose your self portrait, combining image manipulation (cropping, filtering, etc.) with type manipulation (weight, case, color, etc.)

Color/Value, Proportion/Size, Shape, Space, Unity/Harmony

