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Elementary [1st-5th] Lesson Plan

Gesture Drawing Exercises

Created on April 23, 2016 by OneToughCookie

An introduction to gesture drawing.

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5 sessions; 60 minutes per session

1. SWBAT learn about gesture drawing and why it is important.
2. SWBAT practice gesture drawings with timed exercises.
3. SWBAT create detailed sketches from gesture drawings.

1. Tracing Paper
2. Pencil
3. Drawing paper
4. Marker or sharpie
5. Colored pencils or crayons
6. Photocopies of poses
7. Folder to store classwork

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DAY 1 & Day 2

1. The teacher will explain to the class what are gesture drawings and why they are important.

2. The teacher will show examples of gesture drawings to the class.

3. Together as a class, students will walk through the steps of making a gesture drawing with the teacher. Students will be provided with photocopies of poses to work with. Tracing paper will be placed on top of the photocopy. Then students will begin tracing the gesture of the pose (as a stick figure) in pencil. Once the teacher has had a chance to look over their work, They will outline their drawing in marker. Continue to allow students to work using this method until they are comfortable enough to move on to the next step.


4. Have the class split up into small groups with each student taking turns posing and drawing each other for 5 minutes each. Continue this by decreasing the amount of time the students have to draw. Starting with 5 minutes and ending with 1. Next to each drawing students should write how long it took for them to complete it.
HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT #1: Have a family member pose and produce 3 gesture drawings of them.

Day 4

5. Now it's time to put some "meat" on them bones. Using some of the gesture drawings from day 3 students will sketch out people using their gesture drawings as a starting point.
HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT #2: Create 3 drawings of your family member from the gesture drawings you made of them. Color with crayons or colored pencils.

Day 5

6. On a sheet of paper divided into 3 sections, students will use everything they have learned this week to create a completed drawing of a person.
Section #1: Draw a gesture drawing

Section #2: Draw the same gesture this time with "meat" on it's bones. No details whatsoever.

Section #3: Draw the gesture one last time, this time adding details to it to create a person from your imagination. Color using crayons or colored pencils.

Keep all of your work for this project inside of a folder.

Movement, Line, Form, Proportion/Size

Colored Pencil, Crayon, Marker