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High [9th-12th] Lesson Plan

Welcome Posters

Created on August 23, 2017 by paintpeace

Create a display of Welcome to School Posters with positive or motivational messages

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5 sessions; 45 minutes per session

Use the Language of Art to design a poster

Paper (small for thumbnails, 12" x 18" for poster)
Color based drawing tools

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1 look at images of motivational and political posters
2. Brainstorm positive messages which communicate in a few words.
3. Visualize and develop a composition using the whole paper with a positive message
4. Vary size, direction, and style of words. The Emphasis should be on the most important word so it should be larger than the other words.
5. Add a realistic drawing, simple or detailed.
6. Begin adding color. Vary the thickness of the letters.

1. Is the message positive and clear?
2. Is the poster neat and pleasing to the eye?
3. Did you iuse the elements of art- line (1d letters), shape (2d block letters), form (3D letters) value,and color?
4. Is the background space, either plain or decorated, pleasing to the eye?

Favianna Rodriguez
Syracuse posters

Use texture plates for background and add texture to the poster

Balance, Color/Value, Contrast, Line, Movement, Rhythm/Pattern, Unity/Harmony, Variety

Colored Pencil, Crayon, Graffiti, Marker, Pastel

English/Language Arts, Multicultural Studies