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High [9th-12th] Worksheet

W.O.W. Work Checklist

Created on October 09, 2017 by MrsImpey

I have created this resource as I transition into becoming more of a choice-based / TAB classroom in the high school. I plan to use this with 9th-12th grade, primarily in Studio Art and my Drawing & Painting elective, where I can give the most choice.

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1. SWBAT identify what characteristics make a W.O.W. work compared to experimentation.
2. SWBAT self-check themselves to remain on task.
3. SWBAT write an artist statement.

I am requiring that my Studio Art and Drawing & Painting elective students turn in at least one W.O.W. work every five weeks.

We currently have a schedule set up in class that makes Monday a "Connect Day" (where students receive information about a new artist, maybe learn a new art technique from me, watch a short video and reflect on an artwork, etc.). Tuesday and Wednesday are planning and work days. Thursday is critique day, and Friday is a Visual Journal day (to work on either homework assignments or W.O.W.).

I will be requiring that students turn in this checklist with each W.O.W. work so that I can be sure they are following along closely with the guidelines, checking things off as they do them, and hand-writing an artist statement before typing it up for Artsonia.


Visual Arts Standard 1:
Understanding and applying media, techniques, and processes

[9-12 Proficient] Students conceive and create works of visual art that demonstrate an understanding of how the communication of their ideas relates to the media, techniques, and processes they use
[9-12 Advanced] Students initiate, define, and solve challenging visual arts problems independently using intellectual skills such as analysis, synthesis, and evaluation

Visual Arts Standard 2:
Using knowledge of structures and functions

[9-12 Proficient] Students demonstrate the ability to form and defend judgments about the characteristics and structures to accomplish commercial, personal, communal, or other purposes of art
[9-12 Advanced] Students create multiple solutions to specific visual arts problems that demonstrate competence in producing effective relationships between structural choices and artistic functions

Visual Arts Standard 3:
Choosing and evaluating a range of subject matter, symbols, and ideas

[9-12 Proficient] Students apply subjects, symbols, and ideas in their artworks and use the skills gained to solve problems in daily life
[9-12 Advanced] Students evaluate and defend the validity of sources for content and the manner in which subject matter, symbols, and images are used in the students' works and in significant works by others
[9-12 Advanced] Students describe the origins of specific images and ideas and explain why they are of value in their artwork and in the work of others

Visual Arts Standard 5:
Reflecting upon and assessing the characteristics and merits of their work and the work of others

[9-12 Proficient] Students reflect analytically on various interpretations as a means for understanding and evaluating works of visual art
[9-12 Proficient] Students identify intentions of those creating artworks, explore the implications of various purposes, and justify their analyses of purposes in particular works
[9-12 Proficient] Students describe meanings of artworks by analyzing how specific works are created and how they relate to historical and cultural contexts
[9-12 Advanced] Students correlate responses to works of visual art with various techniques for communicating meanings, ideas, attitudes, views, and intentions

English/Language Arts