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Multiple Level Test/Quiz

Pre and Post Survey

Created on August 29, 2013 by Ms-Organized-Chaos

This document is used to understand what students know and have retained from the previous year in art, as well as what they want to improve upon this year. The post survey will allow you to assess what students have learned over the year.

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1. Teacher will be able to learn what students have retained from previous years, and what students want to learn this year.
2. SWBAT begin to warm their minds up to art concepts and vocabulary for a great school year.

1. Be sure to introduce this assignments to students not as a test. I explain to students that this is so that I can be a better teacher. The answers they fill out, help me know what I taught well last year, and what I need to get better at teaching.
2. If students do not know a fill in the blank, allow them to skip the question.

*see attached "tally sheet" to record your classes responses

I typically use this also as an end of the year assessment and simply change the questions on the third page to what they enjoyed most this year in art.