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Multiple Level Smartboard

"Draw Now" Warm-Ups

Created on February 26, 2012 by epictraveler

These are the SmartBoard Notebook files I use as students come in during the first 7 minutes of class. The objective is to use their creativity to "Think Outside of the Box" and make the shape/doodle/squiggle into a picture that no one else would think of.

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1. SWBAT use creativity to make an abstract shape into a creative picture using lateral thinking.

1.) Pencil
2.) Sketchbook or Blank Paper

Need these materials? Visit Blick!

1.) Project shape on screen using Smart Notebook software.
2.) Start timer to let students know how much time they have to complete the warm-up

There is a 5-point rubric that I use to grade these, which I will add ASAP

To view Smartboard files without having the Smartboard Notebook software downloaded:


For teacher's that need a quick way to get class started and get students "settled down", this is a great warm-up. My students really enjoy sharing what they made the shape into, and comparing it to what I made the shape into (which I wait to the end to reveal.)


  • tholodak 01/13/2013 at 03:42pm
    These are great! I can't wait to try them this week. I work with grades K-4. What grade do you use these for?