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Multiple Level Classroom

My 2nd Home!

Created on March 01, 2015 by kromanic

This is my first year of teaching, and I was beyond thrilled to completely take over a classroom and decorate it the way I have always dreamed. Students alike, both those who I have in class and those who I do not have in class, continually tell me that it always makes them smile and they love seeing all of the bright colors everywhere. I truly pride myself on the "homey" quality of my classroom, and this is something I intent to continually update through the years wherever I may be.

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The interior picture of my room features the corner by my desk, the walls filled with posters, graphics, quotes, etc. all hand made and cut by me! This is an area I'm incredibly proud of in my classroom - even though it doesn't always look like this being right next to my desk and all. ;)

The part of my classroom I'm most proud of, though, is my door. I spent hours hand crafting each and every item found both on the actual door and surrounding the door. It is by far the most colorful and decorated classroom entrance in the school, and I could not be happier with it!