Using cameras, student artists photograph visual representations of the Elements of Art and Principles of Design.
1 Keeps,
6 sessions; 60 minutes per session
Through photography, student artists visually capture a representation of the Elements of Art and Principles of Design.
DSLR Camera or Point-and-Shoot Camera
SD Cards [Recommended: 8gb or 16gb]
SD Card Reader
Desktop or lab-top access
[Recommended] Google Classroom, Google Drive, Flickr, etc. for photo submission
[Optional] Photo printer
Session 1: Camera Introduction
Introduce photography; briefly summarize the history of photography and evolution of the camera. Discuss the difference between the use of cameras in the past versus the present. Discuss camera procedures and use expectations in the art studio. Allow students to explore the cameras through taking candid photographs.
Session 2: Discussion Elements of Art
Class discussion on the Elements of Art, including their meaning and functions. Connect photography with the Elements of Art in a brief presentation. Create a reference list of possible photos for each of the Elements of Art with the students. Allow students to begin photographing the Elements of Art.
Session 3: Snapping the Elements of Art
Students continue photographing the Elements of Art, and begin uploading the photographs they have taken. Discuss upload procedures and photo label and description expectations prior to students beginning the uploading process.
Session 4: Discussion Principles of Design
Class discussion on the Principles of Design, including their meaning and functions. Connect photography with the Principles of Design in a brief presentation. Create a reference list of possible photos for each of the Principles of Design with the students. Allow students to begin photographing the Principles of Design. (Students should also finish uploading their photos of the Elements of Art during this class session.)
Session 5: Snapping the Principles of Design
Students continue photographing the Principles of Design, and begin uploading the photographs they have taken. Remember, discuss upload procedures and photo label and description expectations prior to students beginning the uploading process.
Session 6: Photo Critique and Self-Assessment
Students will begin this class session by finishing any necessary uploading of their Principles of Design photographs. Once all photos are uploaded, give students an opportunity to share the various photos they took for both the Element of Art and Principles of Design.
Consider using the TAG critique method:
T: Tell something you like
A: Ask a question
G: Give a positive suggestion
Students will complete a self-assessment of their artwork by answering the following questions.
List three things you believe you did well as an artist. Be descriptive.
List at least one struggle you had during the creative process. Be descriptive.
Share what you learned as an artist from doing this project. Would you have done anything differently? Why or why not. Explain.
paintpeace03/07/2018 at 11:13pm
Good ideas posted, i gave my Art 1 h.s. Class the black and white design challenge- no people, no words, photograph lines, shape and value. Some really discovered the Art of photography with this one.
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