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High [9th-12th] Lesson Plan

Digital Op Art

Created on March 21, 2018 by KatieMorris

Students learn the history of Op Art and how they can apply "what not to do" lessons to graphic design before creating their own Op Art inspired graphics.

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3 sessions; 45 minutes per session

1. The students will view and discuss images of Op Art.
2. The students will identify characteristics of Op Art.
3. The students will compare and contrast the purposes of Op Art to those of graphic design.
4. The students will create a digital work of Op Art using knowledge gained from the presentation, discussion, and research.
5. The students will learn to use the grid and ruler tools in Photoshop.
6. The students will reflect on their Op Art projects and how their new knowledge will be applied in future design projects.


Need these materials? Visit Blick!

1. Introduction
-Slides presentation to discuss Op Art (link in related resources)
-Demonstrate tools and processes the students can use in Photoshop
2. Students work
-Explore tools and techniques and create Op Art inspired graphics.
-If students finish early they create another design with different techniques

Easy lesson with student success that covers several tools and processes.

Op Art

Contrast, Rhythm/Pattern, Shape

