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Elementary [1st-5th] Lesson Plan

Observational drawings of shells

Created on March 27, 2018 by artspaz

Students will learn to draw what they see.

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1 session; 40 minutes per session

SWBAT define shape
SWBAT draw what they see

1. Paper
2. sea shells
3. various drawing materials
4. Black watercolor paint
5. Small watercolor brushes

Need these materials? Visit Blick!

1. Students will spend time observing the shells, noticing the shape and outside or contour edge of the shells.
2. Draw 4 small thumbnails of different shells, only drawing the contour shape, or outside edge.
3. On 12 x 18 they will draw one large shell, using the black watercolor paint. Draw only the contour.
4. Add creative lines and texture to describe the marks on the shell, making sure they lines follow the contour of the shell.
5. They will finish by adding a shadow.

Students will evaluate a neighbors art by looking at the drawing and comparing it to the shell that was drawn.

We do an integrated drawing of shells when the 3rd and 4th graders are learning about shells in their home room class


Visual Arts Standard 1:
Understanding and applying media, techniques, and processes

[K-4] Students describe how different materials, techniques, and processes cause different responses

Visual Arts Standard 2:
Using knowledge of structures and functions

[K-4] Students know the differences among visual characteristics and purposes of art in order to convey ideas

Visual Arts Standard 5:
Reflecting upon and assessing the characteristics and merits of their work and the work of others

[K-4] Students understand there are different responses to specific artworks

Visual Arts Standard 6:
Making connections between visual arts and other disciplines

[K-4] Students identify connections between the visual arts and other disciplines in the curriculum

Line, Movement, Shape

