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High [9th-12th] Lesson Plan

Surrealistic Perspective Lesson Plan

Created on February 03, 2013 by Keefumms72789

This is a lesson plan that teaches one point perspective within the context of Surrealism. Students use one-point perspective to either create a drawing of a room or a simple landscape. Concepts of space, depth, one-point perspective, and Surrealism are covered in this lesson.

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10 sessions; 50 minutes per session

1.SWBAT create a Surrealistic drawing using linear one-point perspective and non-linear perspective to show space on a two-dimensional surface.
2.SWBAT create emphasis using colored pencil to accent specific objects in their drawing.

1. Pencils
2. Erasers
3. 12 x 18 White Drawing Paper
4. Colored Pencils
5. Micron Pens or Ultra Fine Sharpies
6. Rulers

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1. Introduce Surrealism, show examples of Salvador Dali and other Surrealistic landscapes and room interiors.
2. Introduce linear and non-linear perspective.
3. Demonstrate drawing one point perspective and non-linear perspective.
4. Students begin practicing both techniques for showing space.
(1 Session)

1. Students finish practice drawings.
2. Discuss lesson criteria
-One-point perspective is the main component of the drawing
-Color is used to accent and provide emphasis to certain parts of your drawing
-The drawing is either a landscape or room interior
-Two other techniques are used to show space [overlap, changes in size, page position]
-All pencil lines are outlined with a micron pen or ultra fine permanent marker
3. Students begin sketching their idea in their sketchbook
(1 Session)

1. Students finish sketching their idea in their sketchbook
(1 Session)

1. Students draw their final drawing on 12 x 18 white paper
(3 Sessions)

1. Students outline their drawing with permanent marker.
(1 Session)

1. Students add color to emphasize certain aspects of their drawing.
(2 Sessions)

1. Students add final touches, clean smudges, and prepare the drawing for grading.
2. Students complete a critique sheet that applies to the drawing process.
(1 Session)

Students will be assessed based on the attached rubric.

Students also provide feedback on the process with a critique sheet, which is attached. (Basic Online Tutorial on Drawing Using One-Point Perspective)

Although, I taught these two concepts together (Linear and Non-Linear) they could easily be separated for the sake of your lesson. I had students for this lesson work on perspective worksheets first to practice before working on their final drawing. This was taught to a Basic Art class and for many this was their first time having to draw using perspective.

Salvador Dali


Line, Proportion/Size, Space

Colored Pencil, Drawing, Marker, Pencil
