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BY: rlaurenzi ON: Aug 02, 2012 |
KEEPS: 20 LIKES: 11 |
This report can be used to communicate behavior to classroom teachers and promote positive behavior. Throughout the class period, stamp the stars as students successfully fulfill each expectation. Skip stars when too many students are not putting forth their best efforts. Teachers I work with want to see all stars stamped when they pick up their class, so there is even more of an incentive for students to behave and follow procedures. This works very well when it is used consistently. | ||||
K Dine Inspired He(art)workLESSON PLAN MULTIPLE LEVEL |
BY: KatieMorris ON: Aug 02, 2012 |
KEEPS: 16 LIKES: 4 |
Students learned about Jim Dine's artwork, healthy hearts in our bodies, and created a layered mixed media he(art)work. I taught this to Kindergarten but it would work with any primary grade. | ||||
BY: KatieMorris ON: Aug 02, 2012 |
One of my schools uses "4S Lines". The "S"s stand for Still, Straight, Silent, and Smiling. I created a sign to hang on the inside of my door right where the students line up at the end of class as a reminder. | ||||
BY: KatieMorris ON: Aug 02, 2012 |
KEEPS: 31 LIKES: 4 |
This is a quick game in PPT form to help students identify primary/secondary and warm/cool colors. I've used it K-6. The first slides review primary, secondary, warm, and cool colors. Following the review, are paintings that best fit one color scheme for the students to identify. | ||||
BY: KatieMorris ON: Aug 02, 2012 |
KEEPS: 42 LIKES: 12 |
This is a collection of tree images from Art History. I wanted to show the students a wide variety so they would see how many different ways there are to represent the same object. I tried to show variety in artist, style, time period, and media. I used this with 1st grade but since it's just images, it could be used for any level. | ||||
BY: KatieMorris ON: Aug 02, 2012 |
KEEPS: 11 LIKES: 0 |
I picked up this lesson idea at a workshop on adapting the visual arts for special needs students. The man who led the workshop used it with special needs high school students, and I used it with my elementary students who receive OT services for motor control, hand deformations, etc. I put together a document to show the steps in pictures as well as words. | ||||
Art Quote PostersLESSON PLAN MIDDLE [6TH-8TH] |
BY: ArtKat0508 ON: Aug 01, 2012 |
KEEPS: 22 LIKES: 8 |
Use art quotes to teach lettering and composition. | ||||
Beginning Glass Fusing in the MicrowavePOWERPOINT MIDDLE [6TH-8TH] |
BY: Hope200 ON: Aug 01, 2012 |
KEEPS: 25 LIKES: 10 |
Introduction to Glass Fusing in the Microwave for the Middle School Student Email me if you want the Powerpoints. They are not downloading correctly here. There are 4 ppts: Equipment #1 Glass Types #2 Tools & Safety #3 Glass Melting Stages & Fusing Steps #4 | ||||
Independent ExamTEST/QUIZ HIGH [9TH-12TH] |
BY: MrsKey ON: Aug 01, 2012 |
KEEPS: 21 LIKES: 7 |
In my district our exams are to be summative by semester. I wanted to do a project exam rather than a vocab test for advanced art. With this guide, students are able to plan their own art work and use previously learned skills. You can change the concentrations to fit your needs. Also, I always give a rubric like the one in the handout but this time the students decide how they will be graded. I like the independence it gives them and so do they. The students get really creative trying to figure out what they can do to make it 'fit' the exam. I have the students each show me their plan and explain it to me for an easy grade. They really think about it. Some concepts are so broad… the kids really can do whatever they want! I got the idea somewhere online then changed it up to make it work for me. | ||||
National Art Eduction AssociationWEBSITE MULTIPLE LEVEL |
BY: Jenncook678 ON: Jul 25, 2012 |
|| The National Art Eduction Association (NAEA) is a fantastic resource that I have used In the past year. It is a site you have to pay for but it come with a free Artsonia membership (another website with awesome lesson plans and student work galleries). NAEA is a professional learning community where all people art indeed come together for the good of the students. They have a yearly conference with fantastic PD sessions (I hope to attend in the near future). They also offer wonderful periodicals, with a variety of topics, that you can subscribe to. I have found it to be a relevant and educational resource for teachers of any age group. I hope you enjoy it too. | ||||
Drawing with LightLESSON PLAN MIDDLE [6TH-8TH] |
BY: MsFoushee ON: Jul 19, 2012 |
KEEPS: 29 LIKES: 13 |
A unique lesson to help teach middle school students about line. | ||||
Sketchbook IdeasHANDOUT MIDDLE [6TH-8TH] |
BY: ArtKat0508 ON: Jul 01, 2012 |
KEEPS: 37 LIKES: 5 |
Here is a list of sketchbook ideas that I use in class. These are good activities for students who finish early as well as possible sub lessons. | ||||
BY: The_smARTteacher ON: Jun 18, 2012 |
When you're logged into, you can create and share (and edit) your own resources by using our built-in form. Use this sample resource as a guide for creating your own! (Be sure to read the comments at the bottom of this resource for helpful hints!) | ||||
Revised MsKeys rubric posterSIGNAGE MULTIPLE LEVEL |
BY: gini55 ON: Jun 17, 2012 |
I liked the quick reference to the rubric poster. but, I needed it easier to read...for ELA students. I like bullets so this worked for me. | ||||
Dave the Potter CurriculumTEACHER'S GUIDE MIDDLE [6TH-8TH] |
BY: MilwaukeeArtMuseum ON: Jun 15, 2012 |
KEEPS: 18 LIKES: 2 |
This Curriculum Guide accompanies a 15-minute documentary about Dave the Potter as part of the Dave Project, made possible by the Chipstone Foundation. Dave the Potter was an African-American artist and slave who created hundreds of pots inscribed with his own poetry. This guide provides cross-disciplinary activities and extension lessons to support content knowledge in history, arts, and language arts, as well as critical thinking skills, for students in grades 4–8. | ||||
Elementary Jim Dine PowerpointPOWERPOINT ELEMENTARY [1ST-5TH] |
BY: RVArtist ON: May 30, 2012 |
KEEPS: 22 LIKES: 0 |
This is an elementary level Powerpoint on artist Jim Dine and his heart images. | ||||
Scarab Beetle Lesson PlanLESSON PLAN ELEMENTARY [1ST-5TH] |
BY: RVArtist ON: May 30, 2012 |
KEEPS: 28 LIKES: 9 |
A 3-4 day lesson plan that introduces the scarab beetle and Egyptian culture to 2nd graders. | ||||
Claude Monet and ImpressionismVIDEO ELEMENTARY [1ST-5TH] |
BY: nancyrae1 ON: May 30, 2012 |
KEEPS: 21 LIKES: 3 |
A Step-by-Step hands-on Virtual Art lesson on video. Meets the National Standards for the Visual Arts. Integrated with core subjects. For Grades 3-8 View trailer at You can get it on Amazon and Tower Videos now! | ||||
HIdden Symbol Line DrawingLESSON PLAN MIDDLE [6TH-8TH] |
BY: Karimarie ON: May 30, 2012 |
KEEPS: 17 LIKES: 2 |
Students will create a line drawing filled with hidden symbols about their self. Students will learn about the elements of design such as lines, pattern, movement, unity and emphasis, while creating a work of art that is reflective of them as an individual. | ||||
Playing Card PortraitsLESSON PLAN ELEMENTARY [1ST-5TH] |
BY: millerrl ON: May 18, 2012 |
KEEPS: 17 LIKES: 5 |
Students will look at several different examples of playing cards, and identify similarities and characteristics they all share. Students will be lead through a step-by-step process of a simplified line drawing of a playing card; filling in using patterns and textures, symbols, and objects which relate to themselves. Students will also color using a color scheme relevant to this genre of art. | ||||
Smart History - Kahn AcademyWEBSITE MULTIPLE LEVEL |
BY: MsLundstrum ON: May 16, 2012 |
From the website, " is a free and open, not-for-profit, art history textbook. Part of the Khan Academy, we use multimedia to deliver unscripted conversations between art historians about the history of art." This website is organized by art movement and artist. There is a lot of great interactive material for students to explore. | ||||
BY: RuthByrne ON: May 15, 2012 |
KEEPS: 17 LIKES: 5 |
Adorable clay project for lower primary grades. A flat house with texture & added details. | ||||
BY: artsandactivities ON: May 10, 2012 |
KEEPS: 36 LIKES: 7 |
Students use line, shape and color to create well-balanced, well-thought-out compositions, inspired by artist Keith Haring. | ||||
Art Lesson Power Point TemplatePOWERPOINT MULTIPLE LEVEL |
BY: rlaurenzi ON: Apr 21, 2012 |
KEEPS: 17 LIKES: 2 |
You can use this template to create power point presentations for introducing lessons at any grade level. Simply insert text, photos, and video clips. You can easily change the order of the slides or customize them to fit your needs. | ||||
IB PYP Attitudes and Learner ProfilesTEACHER'S GUIDE ELEMENTARY [1ST-5TH] |
BY: lightARTed ON: Apr 19, 2012 |
KEEPS: 11 LIKES: 6 |
For IB PYP classrooms: poster for the IB attitudes and learner profiles. | ||||
Transmutation/MetamorphosisLESSON PLAN HIGH [9TH-12TH] |
BY: MrsKey ON: Apr 12, 2012 |
KEEPS: 36 LIKES: 9 |
This is a fun lesson that lets students use creativity and skills to create unique art.The student chooses two things from a list and combines them. They must have a background and shade realistically. | ||||
Sunset SilhouettesLESSON PLAN ELEMENTARY [1ST-5TH] |
BY: MsFoushee ON: Apr 11, 2012 |
KEEPS: 39 LIKES: 7 |
Lesson and powerpoint for upper elementary lesson. Uses tissue paper, black construction paper, and sharpies. | ||||
Picasso Face VaseHANDOUT MIDDLE [6TH-8TH] |
BY: BlairNicole1011 ON: Apr 10, 2012 |
KEEPS: 11 LIKES: 1 |
Coil building using a template to create a vase. Students looked at Picasso ceramic face vases for inspiration when painting their vase. | ||||
Building a Masterpiece: Santiago Calatrava & the Milwaukee Art MuseumTEACHER'S GUIDE MULTIPLE LEVEL |
BY: MilwaukeeArtMuseum ON: Apr 03, 2012 |
This Teacher's Guide on the Milwaukee Art Museum's "Building a Masterpiece: Santiago Calatrava and the Milwaukee Art Museum" exhibition includes background information on Santiago Calatrava, architecture information, and cross-disciplinary classroom and gallery activities. | ||||
Accidental Genius: Art from the Anthony Petullo CollectionTEACHER'S GUIDE MULTIPLE LEVEL |
BY: MilwaukeeArtMuseum ON: Apr 03, 2012 |
This Teacher's Guide on the Milwaukee Art Museum's "Accidental Genius: Art from the Anthony Petullo Collection" exhibition includes background information on self-taught artists as well as cross-disciplinary classroom and gallery activities. | ||||
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