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Multiple Level Lesson Plan

Discovering Ovoids

Created on September 18, 2014 by Me1issa08

This resource was used for my high school adaptive art. I really like to have students participate in the process of art, rather than the product in this class. This would also be appropriate for elementary school.

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1 session; 50 minutes per session

Black Crayons
Red acrylic or tempera paint
Drawing paper
Black construction paper
Ovoid shapes (I cut these out of railroad board)

Need these materials? Visit Blick!

1. Students will create an interesting arrangement of the ovoids on their drawing tables.
2. Place drawing paper over composition of shapes.
3. Use a crayon on its side to color over the composition. Sometimes tape helps to keep the paper in place while students are coloring.
4. Students will paint select shapes or lines with red paint to accent the composition.
5. Mount to black construction paper (I cropped mine, since student names were shown)

Texture, Shape, Rhythm/Pattern, Contrast


Geography, History/Social Studies