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High [9th-12th] Lesson Plan

Hand Built Fairytales

Created on March 18, 2013 by RoseauArt

A lesson plan to create a small clay sculpture depicting a favorite childhood story or fairy tale. Includes a powerpoint of examples of Nina Koepcke's work and students previous works.

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1.Students will research a children's story to recreate in clay
2.Students will create sketches of a scene or characters from the story to re-create

1. sketchbook
2. clay
3. claytools

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1. Have the students research their favorite childrens story or fairy tale and create preliminary sketches of their scene or character.
2. Using basic handbuilding techniques that the students have previously learned, they are to create a replica of the sketch they have drawn. Make sure all of the pieces are secured.
3. Let clay dry and bisque fire.
4. paint using acrylic paints and spray with a clear acrylic to seal.
5. Have students create a card with the story synopsis to display with the sculpture.

Was the piece built with quality craftsmanship? (appearance, all stuck, smoothed properly, etc.)-30pts
Was the color application done in an appropriate way? (paint colors clean and applied in a thoughful and neat manner)-30 pts
Was the story or synopsis included in the final project and was it nicely done? (hand written legibly or typed, no spelling errors, displayed nicely)-20 pts
Final Grade ______/80

attached powerpoint

Google Nina Koepcke's Russian Fairy Tales

last slide has this for the assignment handout:
Hand Built Fairy Tales Assignment
In the library, or at home you are to research children’s fairy tales or nursery rhymes. I want each person to come up with two different fairy tales or nursery rhymes to choose from. Find the major characters, plot and sketch some illustrations in your sketch book to build in clay. The fairy tale or nursery rhymes written text will be included with the final project. I would like it typed up in a booklet or on a card that will be displayed with the final ceramic piece.

The final clay sculpture will be fairly small in size-(no bigger then 12”x12”x12” please), and will be a single unit- (all pieces attached, no removable parts). I would like detailed plans that include color selections, drawn in your sketch book, before you start. The Sketch book will be a graded assignment before you start- remember you must sketch up 2 ideas.

Feel free to contact me with questions

Form, Proportion/Size, Unity/Harmony

Acrylic, Ceramics, Painting, Sculpture

English/Language Arts