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High [9th-12th] Lesson Plan

Stuart Davis, Line Design

Created on August 26, 2013 by chorti

Introduction for beginning Drawing and Painting students, using the elements: line, shape and form to introduce the concept of design. Discussed Stuart Davis and how he incorporates the three elements into his artworks.

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5 sessions; 45 minutes per session

1. SWBA to learn the elements of design
2. SWBA to define line
3. SWBA to define shape
4. SWBA to define form
5. SWBA to give at least five examples of the three elements

1. Sketchbooks
2. Pencils
3. Compasses
4. Rulers
5. One colored marker (student choice)
6. Fat tipped black marker
7. Regular tipped black marker

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1. Talk about different types of lines (have students give examples in class)
2. Talk about different shapes (delve into the types of shapes, such as geometric and organic. have students explain what geometric shapes are used for and what subject, same with organic). Have stuents give samples.
3. Talk about forms and the difference between shapes and forms. have students give samples.
4. After discussing and showing samples of Stuart Davis works, students will draw out in their sketchbooks 2 linear designs using different lines, shapes and forms.
5. Using rulers and compasses, the students will overlap and incorporate these elements to create sketches
6. Once sketches are done, students will choose one of the two sketches (I usually have beginning students make 2 sketches so they don't feel committed to only one sketch)
7. On 12" X 18" white tagboard, students will make a 1" boarder around the page using pencil
8. Students will transfer or copy their sketch onto the 12" X 18" white paper, (which they just drew a boarder for)
9. Using one color of the students choice and black marker, students will have to determine which areas of the page to fill in, deciding which areas to leave white of the paper to show through.

Students will be assessed on craftsmanship, use of line, shapes and forms, and creativity.

I find this assignment a beautiful introduction and segway into drawing. Most students are amazed by their skill level and achievement when the assignment is completed.

Stuart Davis

Modernism, Pop Art

Form, Line, Shape


Math, Science