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High [9th-12th] Lesson Plan

Two Faced

Created on November 20, 2014 by Scorchard

High School (or it can be adapted for Junior High) students create a vertically split portrait - one half is drawn with graphite from observation, the other half is collaged using found images/colors/textures to create a likeness.

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6 sessions; 45 minutes per session

1. SWBAT accurately draw a human face from observation with accurate proportion and value using graphite
2. SWBAT compare the effects of media, their related tools, techniques, and processes
3. SWBAT create a unified and recognizable self-portrait using mixed media

1. 9x12" drawing paper
2. Graphite Pencils (2H, HB, 2B, 6B)
3. Magazines
4. Glue Sticks
5. Scissors
6. X-Acto Knives
7. Student Photos from picture day (optional, mirrors can be used instead)

Need these materials? Visit Blick!

1. Students will create a minimum of two from observation portraits in their sketchbooks - one of themselves and one of a classmate
2. Students will create a final drawing from observation of themselves on 9x12" paper (they may choose to draw the whole face and only add detail/value to one half)
3. Students will use found images, colors, and textures to collage the other half of their face in a likeness

See attached Rubric/Reflection

If student drawing skills are especially undeveloped, they may trace their facial features but must add value from observation.

Color/Value, Line, Proportion/Size, Unity/Harmony

Collage, Graphite