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Elementary [1st-5th] Lesson Plan

Egyptian Profile Portraits

Created on July 22, 2013 by tmb123

This is a lesson on how to draw a profile portrait by looking at the history, art and culture of Ancient Egypt.

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Students will be able to:
1. Use a pencil to draw with a pencil a profile portrait with correct eye, nose and ear placement.
2. The figure must fill the page and must be holding or doing something inspired by Ancient Egyptian Art.
3. Student will trace the line drawing with a black glue bottle.
4. Student will use chalk pastel to color the portrait, smearing the colors together with a paper towel.

12X18 piece of white drawing paper
24 glue bottles filled with a mixture of Black tempera paint and Elmer's glue
Chalk pastels in a wide variety of colors

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Day 1
Students will observe and discuss the art of Ancient Egyptian, practice drawing Egyptian Profile Portraits while making a small sketchbook.
Day 2
Students will take their practice drawings, pick one figure, draw it very large onto the 12X18 piece of paper. The figure needs to be holding or doing something inspired by Ancient Egyptian art.
The student will trace the drawing with a black glue bottle. Small details can be left alone, being carful not to make any smudges.
Day 3
The glue has dried. The image can be colored in with chalk pastels. The colors can be blended together with a paper towel.

Students will perform a self assessment in their art journal answering these questions in complete sentences:
1. Is the face in correct proportion, with correct eye, nose and ear placement?
2. Is the figure holding something or doing something inspired by the drawings in the Ancient Egyptian Sketchbook?
3. Does the drawing fill up the space of the paper, not leaving too much empty space?

During the first day of sketching I just put up on the smartboard a picture slideshow of different Egyptian Portraits from a google image search.

Ancient Egypt

Balance, Color/Value, Contrast, Line, Shape, Space


History/Social Studies, Geography